Certificate in Early Childhood Literacy
Whether you work directly with children in the library or want to learn more about early literacy to help you better serve your community, this certificate program offers key information on child development and early literacy. It focuses on children newborn to age five and their parents and caregivers. Each course offers strategies and activities to support early literacy in your own situations and environments. This certificate program is designed for staff in public and school libraries to add to your knowledge on early literacy, and as a means of recognition of your knowledge in this area.
The courses include information on early childhood (newborn to age five) development, foundations of early literacy, various aspects of storytimes, technology and young children, equity and early literacy, and assessing and advocating for early childhood service and young children and their families in the library and in your community.
To fulfill the certificate requirements, you must take 6 of the courses below. Foundations of Early Literacy is the only required course.
Your ability to choose your electives allows you to customize the certificate to your own needs.
Each course can be taken as a standalone course as well. You will receive a certificate and CEUs for successful completion of each course.
Each course below is a clickable link for further information.
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