Workplace Issues

Strategies for Overcoming Toxic Culture in Libraries2024-11 (Nov)$250.00
Flexible Working and Remote/Hybrid Work Environments2024-10 (Oct)$250.00
Understanding, Supporting, and Empowering Neurodiverse Library Professionals2024-11 (Nov)$250.00
Self-Care for Library Professionals: Addressing Stress, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, and Mental Health Needs2024-10 (Oct)$250.00
Becoming an Inclusive and Supportive Supervisor2024-06 (Jun)$250.00
Introduction to Global Librarianship, 2025-03 (Mar)$250.00
Kindness and Wellbeing at Work in Libraries2024-08 (Aug)$375.00
Strategizing the Promotion (and Tenure) DossierN/A$250.00
Beyond Libraries: Translating Your Skills to Other Contexts2024-12 (Dec)$250.00
Practical and Transparent Advice for the Academic Library Job SearchN/A$250.00
Supporting Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors in the LibraryN/A$250.00
Deconstructing the Low-Morale Experience in Academic Libraries2024-05 (May)$250.00
Critical Reflective Practice for Information Professionals2024-08 (Aug)$250.00
Reimagining Workplace Empowerment: Reducing Low Morale for Minority LibrariansN/A$250.00
Cultural Competence for Librarians2024-05 (May)$250.00
Redefining Wellness for Librarians of ColorN/A$250.00
Recruiting and Retaining Librarians from Underrepresented Minoritized Groups, N/A$250.00
Examining Institutional Racism in Libraries, 2024-09 (Sep)$250.00