LSSC Elective Competencies: Access Services

(1 customer review)


Dates: July 7 - August 17

Credits: 2.25 CEUs or 22.5 PDHs

A six week online course on access services, designed to meet the elective requirement for the Library Support Staff Certification program. The basic functions of access services include circulating materials, maintaining physical collections, and assisting library users with diverse needs. Access services staff are often in the most direct contact with library users, and as such they must be able to create a welcoming and safe environment in the library; assist patrons with accessing and using the wide variety of library materials and equipment; and maintain the physical condition and organization of library resources. This course will get you started in all of these areas, as well as give the specific competencies laid out by the LSSC program.

Seats available: 30

Course Information



2.25 CEUs or 22.5 PDHs

Registration dates

We accept registrations through the first week of classes, unless enrollment is full, and unless the class was canceled before it started due to low enrollment.