An Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


Dates: November 4 - December 1

Credits: 1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a movement in higher education to study teaching and learning in order to improve both. Typically, SoTL scholars draw from their own disciplinary expertise when conducting research. Research findings are then shared publicly with the teaching and learning community.

In this course, participants will learn about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and identify ways for involvement. Participants will also walk away with ideas for SoTL research.

Course takeaways:

  • Ideas for becoming involved in SoTL
  • Ideas for SoTL research
  • Resources to help attendees move forward with SoTL work

This course can be taken as one of the courses in our eight-course Certificate in Library Instruction, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well.

Topic Areas: ,

Course Information



1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs

Course Description

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a movement in higher education to study teaching and learning in order to improve both. Typically, SoTL scholars draw from their own disciplinary expertise when conducting research. Research findings are then shared publicly with the teaching and learning community.

In this course, participants will learn about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and identify ways for involvement. Participants will also walk away with ideas for SoTL research.

Course takeaways:

  • Ideas for becoming involved in SoTL
  • Ideas for SoTL research
  • Resources to help attendees move forward with SoTL work

This course can be taken as one of the courses in our eight-course Certificate in Library Instruction, but can be taken as a stand-alone course as well.

Lauren Hays

Lauren HaysLauren Hays PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology at the University of Central Missouri. Previously, she was the instructional and research librarian at MidAmerica Nazarene University in Olathe, KS where she enjoyed teaching and being a member of her institution’s Faculty Development Committee. She has co-presented at the annual conference for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and was the 2017 speaker on SoTL for the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee’s Midwinter Discussion. Her professional interests include SoTL, teaching, information literacy, educational technology, library and information science education, teacher identity, and academic development. On a personal note, she loves dogs, traveling, and home.

Special Session

Please contact us to arrange a special session of this class for a group of seven or more, with a negotiable discount, or to be notified when it is next scheduled.


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