Updated Privacy Policy
We have updated our privacy policy to cover student data, meaning communications and assignments within our Moodle platform.
We have updated our privacy policy to cover student data, meaning communications and assignments within our Moodle platform.
This certificate program focuses on skills and concepts related to how museums care for and present objects in their collections as well as how museums manage the knowledge and information about their collections. Museum informatics also covers how museums use various information technologies – such as digital exhibits – to engage visitors on site and … Read more Announcing our Certificate in Museum Informatics
We have a new course coming up in September, designed and taught by Dalal Rahme: Introduction to Data Management. Here is her description of the course: “In this course you will learn about the diversity of data and the best practices that should be followed throughout the research data lifecycle to ensure that data are … Read more New course on Data Management
We’ve reworked our website entirely, and we’d like your feedback and troubleshooting help. We are using WooCommerce as our shopping cart system, and it’s a little new to us, so we might need your help discovering glitches that we need to fix. We hope you enjoy the site and find its new functionalities useful. You … Read more Welcome to our new website!
Do you want to build skills to confidently and competently integrate yoga-inspired movement and stillness into your work with preschool age children? Would you like to deepen your understanding of early childhood development in the areas of physical literacy, early literacy, and social-emotional learning? Are you seeking a high-quality professional development experience that will help … Read more Stories, Songs, and Stretches! Accepting Registration