Sample Courses
We are offering these courses as demos, for people who want to see what they typically are like. The demo courses do not come with the usual instructor involvement, but you can see the content and the way the they are laid out. To request access to either demo course and receive your Moodle login, contact us at We will be happy to answer any follow-up questions you may have about our system or our courses.
Resource Description and Access (RDA) is the new library cataloging for resource description and discovery, replacing AACR2. Upon completion of this four-week course you will be familiar with Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), the conceptual model on which RDA is based. You will be able to recognize and create bibliographic records using RDA and will be directed to the most recent and helpful resources that are available to help guide you through the transition to RDA. The course will cover the basic concepts required to confidently navigate and apply the guidelines in the RDA Toolkit.
Online Instructional Design. Are you responsible for developing an online course? Although the task may sound daunting, this course navigates participants through the process of intelligently-planned course design. Following Wiggins and McTighe’s principle of backward design, the course first focuses upon learning outcomes, then align assessments, instructional, and learning activities with those outcomes. By the end of this course, participants will have a basic blueprint for building their own online course.