Showing 1–16 of 25 results
Name | Instructors | Session | Price |
Becoming an Inclusive and Supportive Supervisor | Samantha Peter | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Critical Digital Archives | Sophie Ziegler | 2025-04 (Apr) | $375.00 |
Git and GitHub for Libraries | Chris Diaz | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Online Instructional Design | Mimi Otten | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Serials Cataloging | Robin Fay | 2025-04 (Apr), 2026-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
UX & Digital Collections | Mēgan A. Oliver | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
LSSC Required Competencies: Technology | Robin Hastings | 2025-04 (Apr) | $375.00 |
Everyday Statistics for Librarians | Andrew Asher | 2025-04 (Apr) | $375.00 |
Introduction to Book Indexing | Jolanta Komornicka | 2025-04 (Apr) | $375.00 |
Introduction to Text Encoding | Caitlin Pollock | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Employee Recruitment, Retention, and Development | Cinthya Ippoliti | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Introduction to Collection Development | Karen Kohn | 2025-04 (Apr), 2025-10 (Oct) | $250.00 |
Library Resources and Services for Patrons on the Autism Spectrum | Dawn Behrend | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Business and Professional Writing for Librarians | Alison M. Lewis | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Describing Photographs for the Online Catalogue | Beth Knazook | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Authority Control | Natalie Hall | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
XSLT Fundamentals | Robert Chavez | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
RDF Fundamentals | Robert Chavez | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Introduction to Scholarly Communications | Carli Spina | 2025-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Digital Repository Fundamentals and Design | Kate Lynch | 2025-04 (Apr), 2025-07 (Jul) | $250.00 |
Exploring STEAM Concepts Through Storytimes | Pamela Martin-Díaz | 2025-04 (Apr), 2025-08 (Aug) | $250.00 |
Know Your User: Research Methods Beyond Usability Testing | Robin Camille Davis | 2025-04 (Apr), 2025-11 (Nov) | $250.00 |
Dewey Decimal Classification | Robin Fay | 2025-04 (Apr), 2025-10 (Oct), 2026-04 (Apr) | $250.00 |
Using OpenRefine for Library Metadata | Trevor Smith | 2025-04 (Apr), 2025-12 (Dec) | $250.00 |
Examining Institutional Racism in Libraries | Lorin Jackson | 2025-04 (Apr), 2025-11 (Nov) | $250.00 |